
I just got off the phone with my finance team and they let me know we are still $1,320 short of our goal for our first deadline of the New Year tonight at midnight. 

This year is so vital to the health of America, and if we start off on the wrong foot, we will be throwing all of our momentum right out of the window! 

We cannot afford to let the Left gain momentum. Over the past year, they have nearly bankrupted our nation, and now it’s up to us to solve the Democrats’ crises! 

Help me get ahead of the Democrats:

I know that my colleagues and I are willing to uphold our duties, but first, we have to start hitting our goals!

The Democrats are already getting millions from their elite mega donors, but with my grassroots army on our side, they don’t stand a chance. Can I count on you to help me reach tonight’s deadline?

Here is the link to contribute:

Thank you for your urgent support, 
Beth Van Duyne

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---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Team Van Duyne
Date: Tues, January 11, 2022 at 1:00 PM
Subject: First Checkpoint of 2022 is this Saturday!

Our first deadline of 2022 is coming up this Saturday!

We need to keep the pedal to the metal this year, but to do so, we have to make sure we hit every single deadline. Our first fundraising deadline of the year is coming up this Saturday at midnight, and we need your help to get ahead of the Democrats and their megadonors!
Already this year, the Left is doing all they can to spread disinformation, hold Americans down, and keep their control of Congress. Radical Leftists hope to cling to their slim majorities in the House this November to escape the consequences of their destructive actions. 

Your support, TODAY, will help hold them accountable and make sure Beth can keep doing everything possible to throw Pelosi out of the Speaker’s chair and The Squad out of power in Congress!