Friends – This runoff will be over in just 8 days. With early voting ending tomorrow, it's never been more important for us to have a fully funded get-out-the-vote program.

We know this is going to be a close election. We also know that D.C. Republicans want to notch a big win in the Deep South after losing in Kentucky. That means we need to do everything we can to turn out every single vote possible. 

My team has set a goal of bringing in another $10,000 for our get-out-the-vote program by 8 p.m. With early voting ending tomorrow, this is an urgent need.

Look, we're up against a lot here. We're seeing new false attack ads airing against us. We've got an opponent who is backed by big national special interests. But, friends, no one ever said winning is easy. But when we fight together, it's possible. Will you pitch in $5 right away to help mobilize voters before the end of early voting?

You can use this secure link to donate now:

Thank you,

Governor John Bel Edwards