Jan 6 hearings "will be compared to the Watergate hearings"

We got this note about the PCCC's Zoom call with Congressman Raskin last night:

"Sadly, I was not able to attend the PCCC's Zoom with Congressman Raskin, and I badly wanted to. Is there a link to a recorded version? I would love to view it now. Thank you very much indeed." -- A very concerned American who loves this Democracy

You're in luck! Watch the video of the PCCC's Zoom call with Congressman Jamie Raskin here.

Congressman Jamie Raskin made news on the PCCC's Zoom call last night with nearly 50,000 people watching!


Turn on images to see Yahoo News report on PCCC call with Congressman Jamie Raskin

Congressman Jamie Raskin made big news on the PCCC's Zoom call last night, telling over 800 people on Zoom and nearly 50,000 more watching on Facebook that the Jan 6 hearings "will be compared to the Watergate hearings because they are going to blow the roof off the House."

And that's not all. Here's more important news Jamie Raskin made last night while taking questions from PCCC members and discussing his book, his story, and the fight to preserve our democracy:

On prosecuting Trump: "The guy's a walking crime wave, and he has committed crimes all over the country…there will be a reckoning there."

On Jan 6 hearings in Congress: "We are going to do everything we can to subpoena all the information we need and to enforce our subpoenas. But even if we don't get every last person in there, we are going to have hearings that I believe will be compared to the Watergate hearings, because they are going to blow the roof off the House."

On the fight for our democracy: "Democracy is in peril in the United States of America…we're in the fight of our lives to defend democratic institutions and values with everything we've got."

On the filibuster: "The filibuster is not in the Constitution. In fact, it's completely antithetical to constitutional values...Could the Supreme Court say we're changing the rules and now you need seven votes in order to render a decision, or eight votes?"

Catch up on what you missed. Watch the PCCC's Zoom call here.

If you want Congressman Raskin to be able to focus on investigating Trump instead of fundraising for his re-election, chip in $3 to his 2022 campaign here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. RSVP here for the PCCC Meet the Candidates call with Attica Scott Thursday, January 20th at 7pm Eastern. Attica has battled Mitch McConnell in Kentucky for years as an organizer, activist, and state legislator. Now, she is running for a newly open, urban, democratic-leaning congressional seat in 2022 to bring the fight to McConnell in DC.










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