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Josh Green for Hawaii
Aloha friends,

We’re reaching out today to give you an update on the COVID-19 pandemic, and how we can best slow the spread of Omicron and prevent serious cases.

As of today, we have 44,914 active cases of COVID-19 in Hawaii, with 347 currently hospitalized and 37 in the ICU. Since the pandemic started, we have lost 1,117 lives to the virus.

The majority of our current cases are part of the Omicron variant surge that we’ve seen across the country.

In Hawaii, we have made enormous progress in fighting this virus — nearly 1.15 million people in Hawaii have received at least their first shot, over 1 million have been fully vaccinated, and more than 400,000 have gotten booster shots.

We’ve fully vaccinated 75.1% of our state, compared with just 63% of the entire country, and this is making a big difference in the lower rate of hospitalizations and deaths we are seeing during the current Omicron surge in Hawaii.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: the best way to protect yourself and your family right now is to get vaccinated and boosted, social distance and avoid large gatherings, and wear a mask when you go out in public.

Please follow Josh on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates on our fight against COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, and for more information about the pandemic and safety guidelines issued by the Hawaii State Department of Health.
Please stay safe and we will get through this together.


Team Green

P.S. Josh is honored to serve the people of Hawaii and is preparing to launch his campaign for Governor soon. If you’d like to support Josh’s campaign for Governor, please consider signing up to volunteer >>

Josh Green is a local doctor who has spent his life caring for Hawaii families. As Lieutenant Governor, Hawaii trusted Josh to keep our families safe and informed, stand up for working men and women, and be transparent and accountable to the people. Now, Josh is running for Governor to help build a more just, peaceful, prosperous, and tolerant future where every person can thrive.

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