PFAW Member, This week marked exactly one year until Election 2020 -- with our democracy at stake, truly one of the most consequential elections in all of American history. All of the work we're doing right now will be VITAL to shaping the political landscape for 2020 and our ultimate success in ENDING the Trump presidency and delivering the powerful rebuke to Trumpism and right-wing extremism that will allow us to save our democracy and usher in an era of real progress. We just scored a major victory in Virginia that was years in the making -- PFAW has been on the front lines in that critical battleground state for many years, leading the way to turn what was once the capital of the Confederacy blue from top to bottom, one election at a time. We're fighting every day to hold GOP senators accountable for their assault on the independence of our judicial branch by confirming an unprecedented number of unfit, right-wing extremists to the federal bench -- and what that means to the lives of everyday Americans. This will lay the groundwork for taking back the Senate and ending Mitch McConnell's disastrous GOP majority. And we're helping to lead the national grassroots effort to hold Trump accountable to the rule of law by impeaching him, fighting to preserve our system of checks and balances and the basic notions that democracy matters, TRUTH matters, and the American Way is worth defending. What we have planned for 2020 will be the most monumental undertaking in this organization's history. We've spent years perfecting the electoral programs that will turn out the right voters in the right places to achieve historic progressive victories. But we need the resources to pull it off ... and we need to know our best supporters like you are with us for the long haul. That's why I'm asking that you do just a little bit each month, all the way through Election Day, by becoming our newest PFAW Defender of Democracy with an automatically recurring monthly donation of any amount. It's just as quick as any online donation and is a convenient way to know that you are in the fight to save America -- because we simply might not survive another four years of Trump. If you've had ENOUGH of Trump and his right-wing enablers ... ENOUGH of the Right's hate and bigotry ... ENOUGH of Republicans' unabashed corruption and attacks on our fundamental rights and our democracy itself ... then you belong in PFAW's Defenders of Democracy program for monthly sustainers. We're just 63 new monthly donors away from our crucial one-year-until-the-election goal and our Defenders of Democracy deadline is midnight TONIGHT!
Thank you for everything you do! -- Michael Keegan, President ![]()