When the U.S. Treasury Department recently announced that the federal deficit for fiscal year 2019 clocked in at $984 billion, the Bipartisan Policy Center was part of the conversation. G. William Hoagland, BPC senior vice president, said of the release:
“The current levels of debt are unprecedented in peacetime during a growing economy…Future generations cannot be saddled with such an expensive burden.”

Upcoming Events
Don’t forget to join the Funding Our Future campaign for the Smart Money Retirement Expo in Tysons Corner, VA, on November 23. The event will feature a full day of keynote and panel sessions on planning for retirement. Also, as a subscriber to BPC’s economic policy work, your spot at the Expo is free of charge!

Press Highlights
Yahoo! Finance
The Hill
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal

Bipartisan Policy Center  
1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. xxxxxx
(202) 204-2400 

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