For over 70 years, the Texas Attorney General’s Office has had the authority to prosecute election
fraud across Texas. But now, that authority is in jeopardy of being taken away.
On December 15, 2021, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest court in Texas for criminal cases, abruptly
stripped the Texas Attorney General’s Office of all authority to prosecute election fraud. In doing so, the court broke with over a
century of Texas Supreme Court precedent, the expressed will of the Legislature, and, in the process, made Texas elections significantly less safe and
less secure than other states. Democrats are crowing about this decision,
calling it a “big win.” This decision is BAD for Texas and BAD for Election Integrity! Do
you agree that the Attorney General should continue to have the authority to prosecute election fraud wherever it may occur? If so, sign our petition and let us know that you support
Election Integrity in Texas! |
If this ruling stands, Texans will be forced to rely on local prosecutors to investigate and prosecute election fraud. What this means is
that in large urban areas and liberal strongholds, conservatives will have no path to pursue cases of election fraud. We all have to speak out
and make our voices heard on this immediately! Thankfully, the
Texas Attorney General’s Office has requested the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rehear the case and reverse their decision. The Republican Party of Texas 100% supports the motion for a rehearing and hopes the Court reverses this radical
decision that undermines years of precedent and the will of the Texas Legislature.
Click here and sign our
petition and consider contributing $5, $10, $25, or more to our Election Integrity efforts! Let the Court know that you won’t stand
for Soros-funded district attorneys having the sole power to decide whether election fraud has occurred in Texas. |
Saving America, Texas Republicans |
Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |