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Why Taking a Systems-Level Approach to Grants Is Key to Driving Change

In this interview, Episcopal Health Foundation CEO Elena Marks talks to EHF Chief of Staff Eusebio Diaz about how the organization has always factored in systemic inequities in its grantmaking strategies to best improve health outcomes in the communities it serves.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?" 

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is also a national day of service? Each year, Americans across the country step up to make our communities more equitable and take action to create the Beloved Community of Dr. King’s dream.

As we take this coming Monday to celebrate and reflect on his legacy, we encourage you to consider finding ways to give the gift of time to your community. Look for opportunities by searching on the AmeriCorps or Points of Light websites.

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Upcoming Events

January 20
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

January 21

PEAK Intermediaries Affinity Group Kick-off Event

January 24

PEAK Accountability and Action for Allies Caucus Meeting

January 25
Using Technology to Drive Greater Impact Through Better Collaboration

February 10
Salem Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

February 15
PEAK Community Conversation: Driving Racial Equity in Philanthropy

February 17
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

February 17
Building Your Legacy:
Knowledge management in the
age of digital records
(PEAK Northeast and PEAK Southwest)

February 24

AAPI Caucus Happy Hour


Weekly Reads

"Ensure you are devoting time to building trust and relationships with Indigenous nonprofits while keeping in mind the historical contexts, understanding the feeling of mistrust, and investing in honest communication. It is also important to keep in mind that Native populations are not a monolith. Work to understand tribal sovereignty, historical trauma, institutional racism, and health inequities, as well as the incredible strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples across Indian Country to create authentic partnerships with Native communities." [more]
Melissa Buffalo, American Indian Cancer Foundation, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy

"Grant makers need to provide early and sustained support to nonprofits working at all levels to protect the country’s core democratic systems — including the census, redistricting, and elections. ... Thanks to our work together on the 2020 census, grant makers are increasingly aware that their philanthropic goals rely on the proper functioning of core democratic institutions — and that linking arms with other foundations means we can accomplish things we never imagined possible." [more]
Gary D. Bass, Bauman Foundation; Lisa M. Hamilton, Annie E. Casey Foundation; La June Montgomery Tabron, W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Barbara Picower, JPB Foundation; Ann B. Stern, Houston Endowment; and Darren Walker, Ford Foundation for the Chronicle of Philanthropy

"[F]unders tend to promote collaboration amongst the AAPI community without fully understanding the distinctions within our population. What might work for one AAPI ethnic group cannot be ‘duplicated and scaled’ for another AAPI ethnic group. … Encouraging AAPI nonprofits to collaborate should be done thoughtfully, and should also be reflected by funders in developing their own collective philanthropic strategies and activities to support the community." [more]
Vivian Long, Long Family Foundation, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy

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PEAK Grantmaking
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Washington, DC 20006-1242

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