Health Advocates,

As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it's clear that there is much work to be done to not only advance health justice, but also protect the future of our very democracy. Without free and fair elections, there will be few laws that address the many systemic health care inequalities. We know that health care and voting rights are inextricably linked. With the Senate set to bring Voting Rights legislation to the floor this Monday, we are providing resources to support your advocacy, not just around Build Back Better but also in service to the push on Voting Rights upon which our democracy and, ultimately, health justice hinges. Please find those resources below!

Resources for Your Voting Rights Advocacy


Sample Social Media


  • Whatever our color/background, we all want to have a voice in decisions that impact our lives, to ensure that elected officials serve us & not #BigPharma. Threats to #VotingRights aren't just threats to democracy, but also to the ability of everyone to achieve their best health.
  • Free and fair elections are necessary so that everyone - not just those with the most power or wealth - has the ability to hold lawmakers accountable for passing laws that address harmful #HealthCare inefficiencies, costs & inequities. Congress MUST protect #VotingRights!
  • We’ve seen through the passage of & numerous attempts to strip the #ACA's protections for people with #PreExistingConditions and to make health care affordable how important who serves in office is to our #HealthCare. Congress must step in to protect #VotingRights!
  • A well-functioning democracy is vital to achieving a #HealthCare system that is affordable, equitable & provides quality services to everyone in our country. Congress must protect the ability of people to make their voice heard through fair & free elections! #VotingRights

  • We’ve seen through passage of the #AffordableCareAct – and the many attempts to strip the ACA's protections for people with pre-existing conditions and to make health care affordable – and ongoing debates over the right to abortion and reproductive health how important who serves in office is to our #HealthCare. Threats to #VotingRights are not just a threat to our democracy, but also to the ability of all families to achieve their best health. Congressional action to protect voting rights is urgently needed now.

Resources for your Build Back Better Advocacy


Other Resources for Your Advocacy

Upcoming Events

State Coverage Innovation Workgroup Webinar: Families USA would like to invite you to join the State Coverage Innovation Workgroup, a cohort of state advocates and officials exploring options for states to improve affordability of health insurance and cover the uninsured. We will start with an hour long webinar on Wednesday, February 2 at 2:30 ET to dig into the details on some key policy opportunities. Register for the webinar here


Health Action Conference 2022: Families USA’s Health Action Conference: Health Justice Now is coming up! Registration closes a week from today! Register now!! Take a look at the agenda here.

Join us virtually on January 25-26 to connect with advocates, organizers, thought leaders, and policymakers on the health justice issues most important to you. Together, we work to build to a future where the best health and health care are equally accessible and affordable to all.

Know anyone who's never been to Health Action before? Direct them to our First-Timer rate

Are you a student interested in health policy? Look no further than Health Action! Register here under the student rate.

Got any questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected], and follow us on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram for more information as it comes out.

Please reach out to any of us at Families USA to connect on our shared advocacy efforts. 

Have a great weekend,

Tiana Rodriguez
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

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