Fellow Conservative, On behalf of Bikers for Trump, I’m putting out an URGENT call to send in reinforcements for Pres. Trump’s rally in Arizona on Saturday! ⇩ WATCH & DONATE ⇩ We’re just a few dollars away from fully funding our Bikers’ expenses for Trump’s most important rally of 2022!
If we come up short this close to the finish line, it’ll be a gift to every violent Leftist thug who will stop at nothing to silence President Trump and his supporters.
I’m urging you to answer the call and send in reinforcements before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT so our Bikers are fully gassed up and ready to stand behind President Trump and his voters!
SEND MY CONTRIBUTION >>> Show every Democrat and weak-kneed RINO that the momentum to take back our Country is on our side. SEND IN YOUR REINFORCEMENTS NOW!
Thank you, Chris Cox Bikers for Trump