From Index on Censorship <[email protected]>
Subject Turkish-Armenian academic faces deportation | Stalin's legacy and Putin
Date January 14, 2022 5:26 PM
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Friday, 14 January 2022

** Turkish-Armenian academic faces deportation over controversial views
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Sevan Nişanyan believes he has been added to Greece's "list of undesirable foreigners" as a result of his controversial research into the origin of place names in the region and faces being forced to leave the country next week. Read the story here ([link removed]) .

** As Russian troops move to border, Ukraine's history is attacked
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The forest of Sandarmokh in the Republic of Karelia where thousands of victims of Stalin's Great Terror were executed, including around 200 Ukrainian intellectuals. Credit: Ninara/Flickr

On 10 January 2022, Yuri Dmitriev ([link removed]) , a historian prosecuted on disputed charges of paedophilia, and his lawyers lodged appeals with the Supreme Court of Karelia. Dmitriev’s case is part of a long-running battle between the authorities and the Memorial Human Rights Centre (MHRC), whose Karelia branch was led by the historian. Two weeks’ earlier, Russia’s Supreme Court had ordered the dissolution of MHRC, which was established in 1988 by young reformers and Soviet dissidents. Read the story here. ([link removed])

** Read our latest letter from Belarus and join the campaign to free those in prison
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It is now a year since our former colleague Andrei Aliaksandrau and his partner Irina Zlobina were detained following Alyaksandr Lukashenka's disputed election victory. We have now joined with ARTICLE 19 to launch a campaign ([link removed]) aimed at amplifying calls for their immediate and unconditional release. Also read the latest letter from Yauheni Rubashko ([link removed]) , one of Lukashenka's many prisoners.

** COP26: A review: Join us for this free event on Monday 17 January

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Join Darren Jones MP, Kate Gibbons and Roger Leese of Clifford Chance and our CEO Ruth Smeeth at our free event ([link removed]) on Monday 17 January to review the recent climate conference and reflect on the future of climate action.

** Keeping watch on China

[link removed] British MPs are warned over a Chinese national seeking influence in the UK parliament, Index continues to shine a light on the CCP's activities globally. Read the blog post ([link removed]) from our CEO Ruth Smeeth on our latest campaign, Banned by Beijing.

This project is a significant step for Index as it seeks to explore not the actions of a repressive regime against its own citizenry but rather how they are seeking to exert influence abroad which is undermining our collective right to free expression.
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