This Saturday, Donald Trump is coming back to Arizona. He knows how important this state is, and he knows how important our race is.

John —

Tomorrow, Donald Trump is coming back to Arizona. He knows how important this state is, and he knows how important our race is.

That’s why last time he was here, he said “Taking America back begins with kicking Mark Kelly the hell out of the United States Senate.”

And the truth is, if we don’t have the resources we need to win this race, he might get his wish. If he can help flip this seat in 2022, it might make him more likely to run (and win) in 2024.

Sorry to put that thought in your head, but it’s true.

That’s why we’re asking if you can make a contribution before Trump arrives. Because when he does, it’s going to generate a lot of attention and a lot of people on the far-right will be even more fired up to beat Mark.

So we’re asking:

Can you please split a contribution between Mark Kelly and Seth Moulton to help Mark defend this seat? It all adds up when everyone is chipping in. That’s how we win.


It is absolutely critical that Mark Kelly holds this seat. And the only way that happens is if we’re all in this together.

—Team Kelly
