Good afternoon DC Jobs with Justice family,

As some of you may know, on December 31, 2021, the Rent Freeze that has protected tenants for the duration of the pandemic ended. The DC Council failed to act and has left tenants vulnerable to massive rent hikes despite the pandemic still raging. The DC Council needs to hear from you!

These unstable and rapid rent increases leave many of our community members in even more vulnerable positions. Which could ultimately lead to the displacement of many of our long term residents who help build this city. We still have the opportunity to push the DC Council to extend the Rent Freeze for an additional 12 months. The council will only act if they hear about the outrageous rent increases DC tenants are facing.

You can also help by signing and sharing our Petition demanding the council extend the rent freeze!


In Solidarity,

Eliana Rondon


DC Jobs with Justice

[email protected]

(202) 702-8726