Centre for Mental Health news

January 2022

Hello from Sarah!

Dear friends,

We hope your year is off to a good start. We at the Centre are committed to continuing the fight for equality in mental health in 2022. Do have a listen to our latest podcast and read our impact report to hear about the difference our research and influence is making.
We’re delighted to share a
new piece from our writer in residence, Amy Pollard, where she unpacks helpful attitudes for navigating a psychological crisis. The piece is full of practical and tangible ideas – do let us know what you think.
There’s still time to get involved in our fundraising campaign! If you’ve set yourself a new wellbeing goal for 2022, why not raise money for mental health at the same time? Get involved by
setting up your fundraiser today.
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead,

Graceful resolve: Attitudes for navigating a psychological crisis
In her third piece as our writer in residence, Amy Pollard shares how the attitudes of playfulness, acceptance, compassion and curiosity have helped her through experiences of psychological crisis with bipolar.

Read or listen to the piece
Podcast: Sarah Hughes - 'Making change happen in 2021'
Sarah Hughes joins Thea to look back at the impact of our work in 2021, from supporting the NHS to get vaccines to people with severe mental illness, to advising the Government on the mental health impact of the pandemic.

Listen on Spotify | Listen on iTunes | Read the transcript
Our impact in 2021
Through another year dominated by Covid-19, we’ve continued to fight for equality in mental health. Using research, economic analysis and policy advice, we’ve been equipping health services and decision makers to meet rising demand, and ensuring people with mental health difficulties get fair access to resources like the vaccine.

Read our impact report
Take a look back at 2021 and the work we've been doing to fight for equality in mental health.
Want to raise money for mental health while doing something good for your own?

Maybe you want to swap your screen time for curling up with a book, get outdoors regularly, or learn a new skill. Whatever your wellbeing goals might be, a small change in your life could make a big difference in mental health.

Start fundraising today
IPS training
Are you a senior mental health Employment Specialist who carries out IPS client-based supervisions? If so, this course is for you!
We are running more training for IPS Supervisors and Team Leaders in April 2022. 
This course will help you manage and develop IPS services.
See our full list of courses
The Government's prison strategy: what does it mean for mental health?
Andy argues that increasing the number of people in prison risks putting yet more pressure on mental health services - and will make it harder to achieve the improvements set out in the white paper
News and events
We hope you've enjoyed hearing about our work bringing equality for mental health closer.

We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for this newsletter and our digital presence - drop me an email at [email protected].

Best wishes,

Alethea Joshi
Digital and Communications Lead
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