Please join us for our HousingNow!2020 kick-off webinar featuring a panel of experts in the movement to end homelessness on Tuesday, November 12th at 12:30 pm EST. The panel will be moderated by Jeff Olivet and features special guests:
- Maria Foscarinis, Founder and Executive Director of the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
- John Parvensky, Interim Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless and President/CEO of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
- Donald Whitehead, Chair of the Board of the National Coalition for the Homeless
To truly end homelessness we need to re-energize and organize a movement to demand a significant increase in federal funding that keeps pace with rising local need. It’s why we need the national campaign of HousingNow!2020 to end homelessness now.