We are THRILLED to announce one of our most popular events, Wine, Chocolate, & Choice, is BACK!


2022 is here. And John, we have important work ahead of us. With every single seat in the Minnesota legislature up for election because of redistricting, we have an opportunity to elect pro-choice women leaders across Minnesota — ensuring that we have our best advocates in office, fighting to protect abortion rights.

To kick off 2022, we are THRILLED to announce one of our most popular events, Wine, Chocolate, & Choice, is BACK! As one of our top supporters, we wanted to make sure you were among the first to know. Save the date to join us for Wine, Chocolate, & Choice with on Wednesday, February 9th!

Wine, Chocolate, & Choice is one of the largest events for Minnesota advocates for choice and women’s leadership — and this year, we’ve got a program you don't want to miss. What happens here in Minnesota in the 2022 Midterm Election will determine reproductive rights for generations to come.

We'll be sharing more next week, but in the meantime, show your support for electing pro-choice women, be a part of the fight to protect reproductive rights, and secure your spot for Wine, Chocolate, & Choice TODAY!


Wine, Chocolate, & Choice!
Wednesday, February 9th at 6:00 PM CST via Zoom


Sponsorships and tickets for the Wine, Chocolate, & Choice are now available!
CLICK HERE for details and to secure your sponsorship.
Sponsorship benefits include admission for you and your guests to Wine, Chocolate, & Choice and a pre-event sponsor reception, hand-delivered wine and chocolate feminist gift baskets, swag bags, and recognition in event materials.

Scholarship tickets available. Please contact Jordan Elton Foster at [email protected] for more information.


Keep your eyes out for more next week. We can’t wait to see you on February 9th!

—Team Women Winning

Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States