As famine stalks Afghanistan, West urged to rescue stricken economy

With millions of Afghans at risk of famine following the Taliban’s takeover, sanctions are complicating efforts to send aid and revive the economy

FACTBOX: Afghanistan's hunger and poverty crisis in numbers

Poverty is spiralling among Afghans as economic meltdown compounds a devastating drought following the Taliban’s return to power

Tiny European states play catch up on LGBT+ equality

‘Winds of change’ start to shift attitudes in European microstates where religion and conservative traditions have curbed LGBT+ rights gains

Climate fund aims to help indigenous people protect world's forests

Forest communities have received a tiny share of global climate finance - but a new initiative plans to change that by channelling money to groups on the ground

What countries are lifting gay blood donation bans?

As Greece and France lift restrictions, here's why many countries are moving to let gay and bi men donate blood

Nepal's blossoming honey industry crushed by wild weather

Heavy rains and long droughts are robbing bees of food and killing the insects, drying up Nepal's supply of the sticky stuff

Australia records highest temperature in 62 years

The planet's hottest years on record have all been within the last decade, with 2021 being the sixth-hottest

Last year was the world's sixth-warmest on record -U.S. scientists

Last year's extreme heat wave in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, intense rains from Hurricane Ida and flooding in Germany and China were linked to global warming, U.S. agencies say

Polish lawmakers pass disputed bill increasing govt control of schools

Critics say the new bill could curb access to teaching on LGBT and reproductive rights.

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