As I take time during the summer to reflect on the past academic year, I am especially grateful for you and your support of the work accomplished by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
Thanks to you and a growing number of like-minded supporters, ISI was able to have an amazing impact on the bright and talented students who will become America’s next principled leaders.
As ISI's fiscal year comes to a close, I hope you will consider a tax-deductible gift to help us continue the progress being accomplished to educate, develop, and strategically place a new generation of conservative leaders.
Please know that any gift you can make at this time will be put to use supporting ISI’s leadership development programs, including our Honors Program, student-run societies, the Collegiate Network campus journalism program, graduate fellowships, lectures and debates, and weekend conferences and weeklong summer schools.
And thanks to patriots like you, we have tripled from 100 to 300 the number of future leaders graduating from these programs!
Each and every student who graduates from ISI’s leadership development programs has the potential to change the world. And it's your generosity that allows ISI to continue to grow the numbers of students who get to experience these incredible programs!
I hope that I can count on your continued support as ISI educates the next generation of leaders who will advance the cause of liberty.
All of your friends at ISI join me in wishing you a safe and enjoyable summer.
Think. Live Free,

Charlie Copeland