

As we look forward to 2022, we wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for helping us make 2021 London Green Party's most successful year ever.


Looking back on 2021


In May, we gained a third London Assembly Member, with Zack Polanski joining Caroline Russell and Sian Berry.  We also achieved a record-breaking result for Mayor, with Sian coming third and delivering our best ever result. 


Since their election, our London Assembly members have been working to represent Londoners on the many different issues facing Londoners, including:

Greens also won over a hundred council elections all over the country, and in London we gained councillors in Enfield and Camden.  We ended 2021 firmly positioned as the much-needed alternative to business-as-usual politics.


Turning London councils Green in 2022

This May, we have the opportunity to bring a strong Green voice to councils across London, like has happened in hundreds of local councils across the UK over the past few years.


To help achieve the highest ever number of Green councillors across the capital, our professional Field Organiser team provides the advice and support our volunteers across the capital rely on to run winning campaigns.


If you could consider starting a monthly donation, however small, that would help us expand our campaign team as we move into this crucial period!


Thanks for your support

Colin Boyle, Coordinator and David Farbey, Treasurer - London Green Party