The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. We will get there.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Court Rules Pennsylvania Senate’s Investigation of the 2020 Election Results in the State Will Move Forward
Court Rules Pennsylvania Senate’s Investigation of the 2020 Election Results in the State Will Move Forward

By Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, January 12, 2022:

A Pennsylvania Court has ruled in the case regarding the state Senate’s ...

Canadian Province Announces Plan to Impose FINES On Unvaccinated
The Left has used COVID-19 as a wrecking ball to ruin countries that were once great. And free.

Will obese people that eat fast food have to pay a fine?

How about smokers?

How about drug users? Alcoholics?

Related – Ontario ...

EUREKA! Supreme Court HALTS Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Businesses
Finally! Sanity!

Supreme Court blocks Biden Covid vaccine mandate for businesses, allows health-care worker rule

Supreme Court Halts Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

By: Newsmax, 13 January 2022:

The U.S. Supreme Court ...

NEWLY RELEASED MILITARY DOCS: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Were Effective In Treating COVID Was Hidden By Bureaucrats

These drugs are proven and cheap. Instead they were smeared (like we are) and an experminteal vaccine whose efficacy has been disproven by the latest surge in COVID was forced on the American people. Why?

“Shortly after the ...

MSNBC Demands Unvaccinated Americans Should Be Taxed HIGHER
Literally, the Nazi channel.

Believe me you, the unvaccinated are paying for this communist coup. Only half of Americans pay taxes, I am sure a large part of the productive half of America is unvaccinated.


PRICELESS: GOP Senator Uses Chuck Schumer’s FIERY Speech to Defend Filibuster
Senator Tom Cotton Gives Pro-Filibuster Speech Using Chuck Schumer’s Own Words

As Biden and Schumer get ready to carve out the filibsuter, let's not forget how hard they used to fiercely defend

— Stand For ...

GOVT CENSORSHIP: Biden Tells Social Media Platforms to Crack Down on Free Speech
Anyone who gets banned for 'COVID misinfo' can now use this clip in court to show the tech companies are censoring at behest of a govt official in violation of the First Amendment……

“If liberty means anything at all it means the right to ...

Trucking Companies Warn Upcoming Vaccine Mandate For Truckers Will Devastate The Economy
The Democrats can spin the inefficacy of the vaccines faster than any dreidel, but ask yourself, why are they systamtically dismantling the American economy and causing the American people incalculable suffering and pain?

Trucking companies ...

House PASSES Steal The Vote Bill
There it is, the final death blow – codifying election fraud. Without free and fair elections, all the flapping tongues in this once great nation will not save the republic.

They must memorialize and institutionalize the steal or they will ...

The law of unintended consequences – a concept the left conveniently ignores. But you cannot ignore reality. Maybe their insane power grab will inadvertently save our children.

U.S. colleges and universiteis do not educate, they indoctrinate. ...

BREAKING: Biden Approval Rating Crashes, Dips Toward 20s In Mainstream Poll
How low can Biden's ratings go? His ratings are probably lower. Worst POTUS of our lifetime.

Curiously not included in this #poll headline:

– Biden approval at 33%

– Over 50% disapprove of Biden on economy, foreign policy, ...

BIDENFLATION: Wholesale Prices Jumps 9.7% From A Year Ago, Highest Increase On Record
They are laughing at your struggle as they consolidate their power and move to federalize stealing elections.

Inflation rose at the fastest pace in nearly four decades in December, as rapid price gains fueled consumer fears about the economy ...

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