Dear John,
In 2018, the Trump administration created a horrific, unlawful policy of separating children from their families at the border. Years later, hundreds remain separated, with no ability to track down their families.
Now, the Biden administration has requested comments from the public on how the government can prevent family separation from ever happening again. Unfortunately, many of the comments already submitted contain hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. These include statements like, “I don’t care that people were separated from their children,” “Build the wall,” and “Send them all home.”
Help us counter these messages with productive suggestions. We’ve made it easy to submit a comment directly to the Federal Register with this form and suggested messages.
When you use our starter text, please personalize it in some way—submitted comments must be unique to be considered by the government.
The comment period will close on January 25. Please submit your comment today.

Karen Lucas
Immigration Justice Campaign Director