Should Congress abolish or amend the filibuster?
This just in, John.
The House just passed the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act – which would dramatically expand voting rights.
Now, the fate of voting rights lies with the Senate. So far, the Senate has filibustered voting rights legislation *five* times this Congress – meaning the bills never even made it to debate on the floor.
This week, President Biden announced his support of reforming the filibuster so this legislation could be passed by a simple majority. We can support President Biden's call to end the filibuster by putting pressure on the Senate.
But first, we need to show that there's widespread support to get rid of the filibuster. So please, John, take our filibuster reform poll. Here's the first question:
Do you think Congress should abolish or amend the filibuster?
We’re in this together.
– Hold the House