He understands the importance of revitalized infrastructure for Northeastern Pennsylvania.


Matt is hard at work improving our infrastructure both here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and across the country. He helped lead the fight in Congress to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and now he’s coordinating with local officials on how best to use new federal funds for our region.

That’s because Matt understands the importance of revitalized infrastructure for Northeastern Pennsylvania.

He’s working hard with regional authorities to bring back passenger rail service from Scranton to New York City. With thousands of residents traveling from Monroe County to northern New Jersey and New York City for work every day, restoring the service would create jobs, grow businesses, and boost tourism in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Do you support Matt’s work to invest in American industry and infrastructure at home and in Washington? Add your name here so Matt knows you have his back.

But that’s not all, John. Matt is also advocating for using a portion of Pennsylvania’s funds to reclaim and clean up abandoned mines in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Using these funds to take overdue action will enable our region to recover land and water from mine run-off, protect and create jobs, and grow our local economy.

John, while his would-be opponents are taking potshots at Matt, he’s working around the clock to deliver real positive change for Northeastern Pennsylvania and communities like ours across the country.

Add your name here if you stand with Matt in his efforts to bring American infrastructure into the 21st-century and keep our air and water clean >> 

Thank you for standing with Matt.

— Team Cartwright


In 2020, Matt Cartwright was one of only seven House Democrats who managed to win re-election in a Trump district and save our House Majority. But now Matt is target #1 for the GOP and their efforts to retake the House of Representatives, and he needs your help to win again! But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can request to get only the most important emails here, or you can unsubscribe.
Matt Cartwright has spent his entire career sticking up for working people, first as a trial attorney and now as the Congressman in Pennsylvania’s Eighth District. Matt was named one of the most effective Democrats in Congress for his ability to work across the aisle and get things done, and he's counting on your help to keep him in Congress. Will you make a donation to his campaign today?
Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States