
The time to pass federal voting rights legislation is now.

Jon has been working nonstop these past months to find a path forward for Congress to take action on voting rights, and the House just passed the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.

Now, that legislation comes to the Senate, where it will undoubtedly face Republican obstruction.

The truth is, Republicans have been blocking us from debating voting rights in front of the American people for weeks. In fact, they’re single-handedly changing election laws that will suppress turnout, and give themselves a competitive advantage in upcoming elections nationwide.

If the Senate doesn’t act now, they’ll effectively be allowing these extreme voting restrictions to slowly chip away at the integrity of our democracy.

We can’t afford to wait any longer. So we hope you’ll take a moment to sign on to Jon’s petition demanding immediate action on voting rights.


Free and fair elections are the backbone of our democracy, and it’s critical that we preserve them by making it easier, not harder, to cast a ballot.

Your support could be crucial in helping us do that. Thanks for standing with us on this important issue.

— Team Tester