
While Democrat caused crises are weakening our country and costing working families dearly in higher costs for gas, food, and housing, Nancy Pelosi is making millions on insider stock trading.

Have you seen the news? 

Pelosi, and her husband, have made many tens of millions of dollars trading individual stocks of companies over whom Congress has oversight. Pelosi refuses to pass a Congressional Ethics reform bill that would stop individual stock trading by members of Congress. She’s making millions while working Americans suffer!
The Democrats are ready to do whatever it takes to enrich themselves off of the backs of hard-working Americans, and it’s time we put a stop to their corrupt ways. 

The House Elections are coming up in just ten months, and I need your support today so I can have the necessary resources to fight the cynical and corrupt Leftists who run Congress. Can I count on you?
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne