Patriot, Senate Democrats are going all-in on their plan to gut the Senate filibuster. If they succeed, they will then immediately pass legislation to gut election integrity laws in all fifty states. And then they will pass every other item on their radical agenda. According to reports, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will use a loophole to open debate on their election fraud legislation, by launching debate on a bill as a “message from the House.” Normally, they have to beat a filibuster to both open and close debate. In this case, they will begin debate on a loophole, though they’ll still need 60 votes to end debate and proceed to the vote. “With this procedure, we will finally have an opportunity to debate voting rights legislation — something that Republicans have thus far denied,” Schumer claimed in a letter yesterday. “Of course, to ultimately end debate and pass the voting rights legislation, we will need 10 Republicans to join us — which we know from past experience will not happen — or we will need to change the Senate rules as has been done many times before.” Patriot, we all need to pick up the phone and CALL our two U.S. Senators to make our voices heard. You can look up your senators at this link. Over the next few days, Senate Democrats will debate this legislation, telling lie after lie. They will abuse the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., as Joe Biden did in his speech on Tuesday. They will label those who support laws that prevent election fraud as domestic enemies and accuse Republicans of attempting to create “Jim Crow 2.0” – as Joe Biden did in his speech on Tuesday. They’ll do this for three reasons: 1. To ram through a federal election law to strip away election integrity laws in all fifty
states; 2. To justify neutering or completely eliminating the Senate filibuster to do so, and thus open the floodgates for all of their most radical legislative proposals; 3. To fan the flames of fear and hatred in America. PLEASE, RIGHT NOW-- PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121. Even if it’s after hours, leave a voicemail. If your senator is a Republican, you can say something like this: As your constituent, I’m calling
because the Senate Democrats are going to force a debate on their legislation to gut election integrity laws in all fifty states, and they’re
going to try to eliminate the filibuster to do it. I expect you to stand firmly against changing the filibuster, as well as the Democrat vote fraud legislation. This legislation would seize from our state, and all fifty states, the right to ensure the integrity of our elections. It would force us to adopt measures crafted to make election fraud easier to commit and more difficult to detect. That’s what they are doing. You know it and they know it. And many Americans know it. But it’s your job to speak out on that Senate floor and speak the truth about this election fraud legislation. We’ll be watching. If your senator is a Democrat, you can say something like this: As your constituent, I’m
calling to demand you oppose all efforts to undermine the Senate filibuster – especially after the Democrat party so passionately defended it
when you were in the minority. This naked power grab is unbelievably reckless and foolish. You would be, as Majority Leader Schumer once put it, “changing the rules in midstream to wash away 200 years of history.” You are attempting what Senator Joe Biden called “a fundamental power grab.” You know it, and we know it. You think this elections bill is worth scrapping the only thing preventing one-party rule in America? We know this legislation would undermine election integrity laws in all fifty states. Nobody honestly believes “voter suppression” is a thing. Voting has never been easier, and everyone knows it. Of course, you can tell your senator whatever you like. But please do make the calls. It only takes a couple minutes. PLEASE, RIGHT NOW-- PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121. Think for a minute about how dangerous this moment is. If the Senate Democrats manage to gut the filibuster – and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says they will put it to a vote by Monday – the first bill they will send to Joe Biden’s desk will be H.R. 1, so numbered because it was the House Democrats’ first priority for the term, to strip away states’ election integrity laws. Just look at some of the provisions of H.R. 1, which would accurately be named the National Vote Fraud Act: >>> It would overturn any state’s prohibition on ballot harvesting, which would allow people and political organizations to collect other people’s absentee ballots to local election officials. This would absolutely destroy the privacy of the ballot that has always been a foundation of election law in America. The potential for vote fraud to occur without detection is severe. In August 2020, a professional election criminal gave a lengthy interview to the New York Post in which he described his various methods of perpetrating fraud. Ballot harvesting was a key tactic. He would have his operatives fan out, going house to house, convincing voters to let
them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them
over boiling water. “You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider. He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope. “Five minutes per ballot tops,” said the insider. This is precisely why Democrats are fighting to legalize ballot harvesting nationwide with the stroke of a pen. PLEASE, RIGHT NOW-- PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster. (Look them up at this link.) >>> The National Vote Fraud Act, H.R. 1, would overrule state laws requiring ID to vote, which is clearly a Tenth Amendment issue. >>> The National Vote Fraud Act, H.R. 1, would give the federal government control over how states choose their polling locations and how states redraw congressional districts. In fact, it would require a three-judge court to develop a state’s redistricting plan. And the list goes on and on. It would mandate 15 days of early voting, same-day voter registration, online voter registration, and no-reason absentee voting. It would even require states automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”), and cause multiple or duplicate registrations of the same individuals and put federal agencies in charge of determining a person’s domicile for voting purposes (as well as that individual’s taxing state). For anyone that values free and fair elections, H.R. 1 is an unconstitutional nightmare. And the Senate filibuster is the only thing in its way. After H.R. 1 goes through, there are a myriad of other anti-liberty bills in the hopper. PLEASE, RIGHT NOW-- PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster. (Look them up at this link.) Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, or more so Campaign for Liberty can rally our powerful list of liberty activists to stop this power grab by the Democrats! The Senate filibuster has been an indispensable tool in stopping some of the worst big government power grabs over the years, including Cap and Tax, which would have driven energy costs through the roof, a National Gun Registration, and the so-called “Disclose” Act, which would have destroyed free speech for organizations like ours. If the Democrats’ plan succeeds, there is nothing stopping them from passing any of their most radical legislation –and they will pass all of it. >>
The Green New Deal >>> Gun Control >>> More Taxes, Higher Taxes, and New Taxes >>> Attacks on our freedom of speech They simply can’t help themselves when presented a flurry of leftist expansions to big government that will create a lot of hardship … for everyone else! PLEASE, RIGHT NOW-- PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster. (Look them up at this link.) ![]() I shudder to think about what else the left may cook up this year to ram through with nothing standing in their way. That’s why you and I must get this message out to as many folks as possible before this latest attack on the filibuster is successful. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director P.S. The Republic truly is at stake if the Senate filibuster is done away with. The statists’ agenda will go through without anyone to stop it. Call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 and DEMAND they oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2022 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |