Dear Challenge Success Community,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am thrilled to announce that Megan Pacheco will be the next Executive Director of Challenge Success. Megan was selected after a comprehensive search process, which began in July and yielded a talented pool of leaders. She joins us on February 1st. 
Megan brings more than twenty years of transforming schools to Challenge Success. At New Tech Network, where she served as the Chief Learning Officer since 2014, Megan led a successful strategic planning process to develop long-term impact priorities for the organization. She developed new school models and services that led to expanded reach and revenue, and she secured and managed several large-scale program grants. Megan also directed internal learning around DEI and anti-racism. In her extensive interview process, each of Megan’s experiences as a leader resonated deeply with the Challenge Success community.

In addition to her impressive background, Megan embodies all of the personal qualities we are seeking in our next Executive Director. Her human-centered approach to leadership and her genuine passion for Challenge Success’s mission inspired everyone she met on the staff, Board, and Advisory Councils. Her strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will fuel our shared dream of growth and impact with a broader range of youth. Finally, Megan’s steadfast commitment to “co-creating a relationship-rich environment and leading with humility, kindness, and curiosity” speaks directly to our team values. 

Megan lives in Napa with her husband, daughter (10), and son (14). As a family, they like to travel and spend time with their dog, Tucker. Megan also enjoys the outdoors, watching her son play baseball, and performing in The Nutcracker with her daughter each year. 

Challenge Success flourished under the leadership of Kathy Koo, and we could not have asked for a more talented Interim Executive Director than Dr. Sarah Miles. They both paved the way for Megan to take the helm of an organization that is thriving internally and on a national level, and we are forever grateful for their dedication to our mission.  

Please join me in welcoming Megan Pacheco to Challenge Success. 

Happy New Year!

Lisa Busby
Board Chair, Challenge Success
Letter from Megan Pacheco, Executive Director

Dear Challenge Success Community, 

I am honored to be joining Challenge Success as the new Executive Director and excited to be part of such a talented team dedicated to improving students' lives. 
I feel a deep sense of alignment with the organization's vision and commitment to student well-being, equity, and engagement with learning. The work of Challenge Success is more important than ever, and I am eager to help build on the organization's established success and impact.

In my 20 years of experience transforming schools, I have learned first-hand the importance of elevating students' voices and lived experiences. I believe schools should be places that inspire learning, challenge students to do their best work, and provide care and support so all students can thrive. These beliefs have guided me throughout my career as an educator and continue to be central to my work. In joining the Challenge Success team, I am excited to have the opportunity to carry on that work in a community that so clearly shares those values and beliefs. 

The last few years have highlighted the importance and urgency of helping students lead healthier and more balanced lives. Challenge Success is uniquely equipped to address that need and well-positioned to support a broader set of schools to rethink what's possible for all students. I'm excited about the opportunities ahead to grow the network of Challenge Success schools and positively impact more students and families.

I am humbled by the opportunity to lead an organization doing such important work. We know that effective school change happens when all stakeholders work together. This approach is core to Challenge Success and will guide me in my journey ahead as Executive Director. I look forward to meeting the Challenge Success community - the partners, donors, and school teams - helping to make this work possible.


Megan Pacheco
Executive Director, Challenge Success
Transform the Student Experience

Challenge Success partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. 

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