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Vincent Nichols, the leading Catholic cleric in England and Wales, has said the Catholic Church will oppose measures to require priests to reveal details of
child abuse which they learn about in the confessional.
A former Labour MP has confirmed he will run as an independent in the general election after the party withdrew its support for him after he backed
protesters who opposed LGBT-inclusive teaching.
Supporters of India's governing nationalist party the BJP will be actively campaigning for Conservative Party candidates against the Labour Party during the
general election.
A 40-day and 40-night prayer initiative against the liberalisation of Northern Ireland's abortion laws will culminate next week with a special evening of
'repentance and reparation' at a Belfast church.
In response to a targeted criticism of the NSS for campaigning to end non-stun slaughter, Chris Sloggett says the principle of one law for all is worth
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