Hi team!

Last year, we made incredible progress — from passing essential COVID-19 relief and ramping up vaccinations, to signing our nation’s largest climate bill to date into law, investing in clean energy, electric vehicle charging ports, broadband access for all Americans, and more.

Now, it’s time to go further. We still have so much work to do to expand affordable health care, combat the climate crisis, protect our sacred right to vote, and more. But look, I have to be honest with you: this progress won’t be possible without our Democratic majorities.

Mitch McConnell has to flip just one seat to reclaim the Senate majority — and he’s raking in millions from right-wing megadonors to make it happen.

If anyone knows how to take on McConnell’s rolodex of megadonors, it’s this incredible grassroots team. We’ve done it before, and now, I’m turning to you for your help once again:

Will you add a contribution of $10 — or whatever you can spare — to our campaign before our first fundraising deadline of 2022 expires this Saturday? Your support will help us build a people-powered movement strong enough to keep the Senate majority out of Mitch McConnell’s hands.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

If we are going to protect our majority and continue making progress in Washington, we can’t take our foot off the gas for even a second. Thanks for helping us start 2022 strong.

— John