Take action with Angelina Jolie for the the Violence Against Women Act day of action by contacting your senators  Email not displaying correctly?
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Action Alert

January 19th

Day of Policy Action for the Violence Against Women Act with lead Senators and Angelina Jolie

Please distribute widely to your networks and partners!

On January 19, join the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, Angelina Jolie, and Senate sponsors of the upcoming Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization for a policy day of action to ask Senators to co-sponsor and pass the bipartisan consensus bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

On December 16, 2021, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) announced they had reached a deal on a framework to reauthorize VAWA with key improvements and protections to better meet the needs of abuse survivors. They plan to introduce the bill this month. While they are finalizing the bill, they need our help to build support among Senators so they can introduce the bill with as many bipartisan sponsors as possible.

VAWA is a central way the Federal government responds to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. First signed into law in 1994, VAWA creates grant programs to provide services and housing to victims and survivors and training to improve the legal response to gender-based violence. The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022 is based on extensive work with survivors, direct service providers, and other stakeholders, and is the first reauthorization since the pandemic, which has exacerbated domestic violence and sexual assault.

VIRTUAL RALLY: Join us, with VAWA lead Senators and international human rights and children’s rights advocate Angelina Jolie at 12:15 ET/9:15 PT HERE!

TWITTER STORM: Then, join us at 1:00 ET/10:00 PT for a Twitter storm! 

CALL YOUR SENATORS: Before, during, or after the rally, call your senators (202-224-3121) or email them using this easy link.

Take action here:

Click the image above to take action in 2 minutes. Send your senators an email with the click of a button, and automatically be patched through to their offices and supplied with detailed instructions and a call script to leave them voicemails.

Click here to spread the word:

Click to tweet: By supporting a strong #VAWA4ALL, we ensure that the economic, social and basic needs of survivors are addressed. Reauthorization will invest in and improve the response to the needs of communities across the country. Our Nation must commit to ending gender-based violence now.

Click to tweet: I support the reauthorization of #VAWA. It will invest in prevention and respond to the needs of diverse populations, including an investment in culturally-specific programs. We need to protect ALL survivors now and a strong #VAWA4ALL.

In solidarity, 
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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