By now, I'm sure you're as furious as I am with the White House's absurd and illegal COVID vaccine mandate.
The federal government has NO POWER to get involved in your medical decisions. PERIOD!
But for millions of college students in America today, it's not just the federal government they have to worry about.
In fact, more than 2,500 colleges and universities are FORCING students to get the COVID vaccine... DEMANDING that they publicly share their medical history... and BANNING them from school if they don't comply!
My friend, this is the pattern for vaccine mandates across America--including Joe Biden's. And if we don't stand up against it now, there's no telling how aggressive the federal government will get in their quest to force this vaccine on you and me whether we want it or not.
To ensure that students are ready to win the fight for freedom against radical college administrations, we've launched a "NO FORCED VAX" campaign and created engaging and educational activism kits that we're shipping out to students every week.
This move by the universities is not about vaccines AT ALL. It's about freedom, choice, information, and constitutional rights.
Young and healthy students -the least affected by the disease - must be free to decide what is best for them alongside their doctors... not college administrators or bureaucrats.
The same goes for all Americans, but the Biden administration has watched what these universities have been able to get away with--and put their policies on steroids.
As I write this email, thousands of students have been denied reentry to their campuses until they can show proof of vaccination. One student at Rutgers was even locked out of his ONLINE college classes until he takes the vaccine!
If we let these schools exercise this kind of power over their students, I hate to see what the White House comes up with next!
We must win this campus battle right now, or we'll be fighting it on our own doorsteps.