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America is at a crossroads.



Dear American Voter,

America is at the crossroads faced with one path that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Once on that path it will lead to widespread poverty and despair like we are seeing in Venezuela. We must change paths now!

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vision for America was overshadowed by WWII. He was forced to temporarily abandon his New Deal policies because the off set of WWII. Many of the programs that he initiated were designed to make America dependent on a strong central government. FDR understood that by restricting rights under the guise of good Americans would slowly relinquish their rights and freedoms.

The founders of this country were against the two-party political system understanding that it would be a recipe growing the Central government exponentially. We find ourselves today with the two parties deciding for the people. They suppress the voice of the people by using the media to program people to think that they are the only means to have a safe and prosperous country. This is contrary to the principles that the United States was founded on and envisioned by the Framers.

The 17th amendment lost the individual States much of their power over the Federal Government. With its passage in 1913 the States lost their voice within the Federal Government. The Framers of the Constitution intended on 2 separated houses within the legislative branch. One representing the voice of the people (The House of Representatives) and two the voice of The Senate. The Senate was to be selected from The State Legislatures.

My vision for our government would return the Government to the people. My priority is to communicate directly with the people that elected me to carry their voice to Washington.

The Framers of the Constitution understood that the people need to be directly involved in the legislative process. Congress had their first session to draft legislation and return to their respective districts to meet with their constituents. To give the constituents a say on how each piece of legislation was too be voted on. Today, the ability to transmit every piece of legislation to our constituents is easy at any time. In our history there is no excuse for any elected person not to engage directly with their constituents. It’s important to ask the question of how I am to proceed on a particular piece of legislation. Every elected official needs to understand that they are an employee of the people that elected them into office.

I understand that I’m not a leader of the people but a servant to the people. My loyalties are to the people of my district first and to the people of the United States above all else. For far too long the two parties have controlled our elected officials by enriching the party and themselves while forgetting their duty to the people.

I pledge to put the people of the United States first just as I put my battalion’s life above my own. The only thing that anyone truly has in this world is their word and deeds. I also believe that we must continually remind our elected officials of their duties and obligations to the people as they go down the same road that is tearing apart the greatest nation in the history of the world.

Sam Williams,
Candidate TX 16 CD

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