Dear John,
As a wave of anti-voter laws are passed by state legislatures, it has never been more clear that federal laws are needed to protect the rights of every citizen to help determine the course of our country. Anything else is unacceptable, so we are asking for your help.
With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day just a few days away, a powerful way to honor the memory of the man, and the movement that he and so many others have fought and even died for is to support the right to vote.
Please do that now by urging your Senators — both Democrats and Republicans — to protect the right to vote and the integrity of elections by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.
Any day now, the Senate may vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, and your voice may help provide vital support for the legislation. Here are what these Acts do:
- The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would address the significant harm caused by the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder by creating new measures to prevent racially discriminatory anti-voter restrictions.
- The Freedom to Vote Act would increase access to the polls by expanding opportunities to vote early or by mail and providing for automatic voter registration and same-day registration. This bill would also address some of the most urgent threats to the free and fair administration of elections.
ADL supports nonpartisan efforts to encourage voting. Democracy depends on ensuring an equal and fair opportunity to cast a ballot, free from restrictions that have a discriminatory impact. There is, perhaps, no more fundamental right in a democracy.
Thank you for honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lewis by speaking out with ADL so that others are not silenced.
Sincerely, |
Steven M. Freeman |
Vice President, Civil Rights |