From Senator Dick Durbin <[email protected]>
Subject This was Mitch McConnell’s top priority:
Date January 13, 2022 6:04 PM
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In 2021, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed a record number of well-qualified federal judges from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences.

In the coming years, there will be additional judicial vacancies.

We need to keep the Senate blue to confirm more judges who are dedicated to defending our rights and protecting our democracy.

We’ve set a goal of raising $5,000 by January 15 to stay on track this month. Can I count on you to make a contribution of $5, or whatever you can afford, now to defend and expand our Democratic majority? [link removed]

When Mitch McConnell was Senate Majority Leader, he called himself the “Grim Reaper” of the Senate, refusing to bring up hundreds of bills that would support working families – but he pushed through as many Trump-approved judicial confirmations as possible because he knows the importance of shaping our federal judiciary.

We made tremendous progress last year in appointing judges who will balance the bench and who share our values. Now, we can’t afford to put Mitch McConnell back in charge of the process.

Contribute $5 right now to protect our Democratic majority and stop Mitch McConnell from taking back the Senate – and control of our federal judiciary. [link removed]

Thank you,

Dick Durbin

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Paid for by Friends of Dick Durbin

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