
The Build Back Better Act is the single largest investment our country has ever made in combating climate change.

The good news is the House of Representatives has already passed the bill! The bad news: It’s stuck in the Senate.

Look friend, the climate crisis is getting worse by the day. We simply can’t afford to lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

That’s why we’re generating a huge public outcry to show President Biden and Senate Democrats how important this bill is to our future. Our power is in numbers, so please take a minute to sign on to our digital petition:

Digital Petition to President Biden and Senate Democrats

Take BOLD climate action:
Pass the Build Back Better Act now!

Petition Signer: Environmental Champion

The Build Back Better Act has so many important elements that will go a long way toward protecting our environment.

Here are a few of the key features of this landmark bill:

  • It includes meaningful investments to curb our worsening wildfires and droughts.

  • It addresses the lack of clean and safe drinking water in California.

  • It would advance climate justice by investing in communities of color who have been hit hardest by the climate crisis.

  • It would provide $555 billion in renewable energy incentives over the next decade.

Climate scientists and experts agree: Bold climate legislation like the Build Back Better Act is absolutely critical in stopping the disastrous effects of climate change before it’s too late.

The Senate can still pass the Build Back Better Act – and they should do so SOON, before the upcoming State of the Union. But we need President Biden and the Senate to know just how important this is to us.

That’s why we're calling on all Environmental Voters (including you, friend!) to help us apply pressure on our lawmakers, because here’s the truth: It’s NOW or NEVER.

Sign our petition to demand the Senate pass the Build Back Better Act before the State of the Union →

We're counting on you!

Aaron McCall
Federal Advocacy Coordinator
California Environmental Voters
(formerly California League of Conservation Voters)



California Environmental Voters (formerly CLCV)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100 | Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 | [email protected]

California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters), formerly California League of Conservation Voters, exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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