Hey John,

I wanted to make sure that you saw Jeri's email earlier this week. RSVP for the Obama docu-series, and we will send you a link to our FREE virtual screening. You can watch it at home whenever it is convenient for you.

To be completely honest with you, this documentary brought me to tears. It is a powerful, veracious investigation of race in American history, politics, and culture. 

No matter how you identify, I think you will benefit from watching this film. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.


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Hi John,

Barack Obama’s presidency was a historic step for our country, but it also exposed the ever-present need to address deeply entrenched challenges around racial justice and our history. Join us to watch HBO’s three-part documentary, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union, which chronicles President Barack Obama's life, as the country grapples with its racial history.

>>Click here to RSVP for our virtual screening of the film! If you sign up, we will share the link with you to watch at your convenience. Then we will ask for your feedback!

  • Episode 1: Obama's life and identity leading up to his life of public service and politics.
  • Episode 2: Obama's presidential campaign.
  • Episode 3: Obama's time as President of the United States and the legacy of his presidency.

Through the story of one man irrevocably bound to the history of a country, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union reflects on the country’s past and present national identity.

When our some of our staff members previewed the series, the words they used to describe it included, powerful, painful, inspiring.

Once you have watched, we'll be anxious to learn your thoughts and insights, too.

Forward together,

The WAVE Team


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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