MLK and More - This Week in Atlanta DSA!

👑 Remembering MLK in 2022 👑

MLK paid holiday rally 1/17; contact Chuck Stiles at 202-437-7320

Though Dr. King did not consider himself a Socialist, he engaged with and expounded on Marx's works as they related to social issues, writing that "Communism arose as a protest against the injustices and indignities inflicted on the underprivileged. The Communist Manifesto was written by men aflame with a passion for social justice." 


King also recognized the necessity for restructuring society away from capitalism and its inherent inequities, stating that "There are 40 million poor people here. And one day we must ask the question, 'Why are there 40 million poor people in America?' And when you begin to ask that question you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy" in a speech to the SCLC here in Atlanta. In 1966, he asserted to his staff that "There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism." 


Honor Dr. King by attending one of the many events going on in Atlanta this weekend!

Interested in attending any of these events with DSA? Sign up here and we'll get you plugged in!



💥Bust the Filibuster! Protect Voting Rights!💥

Comrades protesting Biden/Harris, carrying signs saying
Comrades protesting Biden/Harris, carrying signs saying

On January 11, a coalition of members from ATLDSA, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, AFL-CIO, the Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council and Black Voters Matter gathered to protest Joe Biden's speech and demand an end to the filibuster, as well as passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights and PRO Act. This legislation would be an important step towards protecting our right to vote and revitalizing the labor movement in Georgia and across the country.


✏️ To add your voice to the effort, you can sign AFL-CIO's co-sponsored petition here and follow the instructions on the confirmation page to contact your senators directly.


🌹 Jan. 24: Learn how to Organize Your Workplace 🌹

Every day, we hear about another comrade who has organized their workplace, is on a new organizing committee, or has filed for a union election. Many socialists who have been politicized outside the workplace are taking their politics and commitment to organizing back to their workplaces.


Join us for a conversation Monday, January 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM with socialist workplace organizers from the NYC DSA Labor Committee to see what has worked, what hasn’t, how being a socialist informs their approach to organizing, and what the role of DSA has been or could be.


Looking for more?

Our chapter calendar at has even more meetings and events!