Dear John,
Your support last year made our successes possible. We were able to advance bold policy changes to give working people a voice and seat at the table. Our Always Essential Campaign won historic, precedent-setting victories in cities across the country and will only continue to expand. With our partners, we stood against Amazon and other greedy employers who thrive off the exploitation of their workers. We couldn’t have done this all of this without your help.
As we celebrate the beginning of this new year, we have not forgotten what we are fighting for. We know it is possible to live in a world where everyone has access to basic health and safety protections, living wages, the right to join a union, and dignity in the workplace. We keep up the fight because we know we can live in a world where there is an economy that benefits us all, not just the wealthy.
We have a monumental year ahead of us, and we are thrilled you are here with us in this fight!
In Solidarity,
Executive Director
Jobs With Justice