Dear friend,
It's go time. State legislatures across the country have begun reconvening for another legislative session. As lawmakers make their return (both in-person and virtually), FAMM is gearing up to fight for smart sentencing and prison reform.
In 2022, we will be focusing on eight states — Washington, California, Oregon, New Mexico, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia — plus the District of Columbia. While these are our targets, we will be tracking bills in other states and looking for opportunities to make progress.
Our work in 2022 will include continued advocacy around our Second Chances Agenda, which includes three crucial policy areas: Second Look Sentencing Reform, Compassionate Release, and Executive Clemency. We will be fighting for legislation to improve existing compassionate release mechanisms, expand existing second look mechanisms, and create new second look mechanisms for states that still provide little to no meaningful access to a second chance. We will also continue the fight for independent prison oversight, as far too many state prison systems operate with absolutely no real accountability.
As always, we cannot pass these bills alone. Through your support and endless advocacy, FAMM and its members have secured important victories in states across the country. Be sure to follow us across social media and check our FAMM Action Center to learn more about how you can help pass criminal justice reform legislation in the states.

Molly Gill
Vice President of Policy, FAMM