
News from mySociety

January 2022


We're looking for a researcher

We've got a really interesting piece of work to commission, around how much the general public understands local government and their role in the UK's carbon reduction targets.

If you're a researcher with some understanding of the local government landscape, please do have a read of our call for proposals — and it would also be very helpful to share it in relevant communities. Thanks!

Better commissioning

If you read that call for proposals and found it refreshingly comprehensive, there's a reason for that.

Thanks to some industrious investigation by Gavin Freeguard, we now know much more about making the research commissioning process a harmonious and productive one.

Gavin's shared his findings in a report, so this knowledge can have the maximum benefit across the sector.


Our year in review

Here's another chance to revel in everything mySociety did in 2021 — and this year there are pull-out sections too. You know, like the Sunday newspaper supplements.

In WhatDoTheyKnow's Transparency Report we examine stats such as how much material was removed from our Freedom of Information site, how many accounts were banned, and why.

And SocietyWorks' Year in Review goes through everything you need to know about our commercial subsidiary's activity, from which councils use our software to what sort of savings they've made by doing so.


TICTEC Civic Tech Surgery #2: Accessibility and inclusivity

Our second Civic Tech Surgery tackles the pervasive issue of how we ensure that the tech we build is truly accessible for everyone. 

Listen in on an international panel as they present and discuss possible solutions, in a conversation that will go on to inform the Action Lab working group.

Book your place now


What we did in December

Last month, it was Zarino's turn to share what we've been up to on the Climate programme. In a nutshell: really quite a lot!

You can read more about the many new features on CAPE, our Climate Action Plans Explorer, here.

... and, watch this space!

Our partners at Climate Emergency UK have undergone the massive task of scoring every UK council's Climate Action Plan across nine crucial criteria. Thanks to the efforts of a trained cohort of volunteers, it'll be easy to see where each council is doing well, and where work is still needed.

It's not long now until the scores will be revealed in Climate Emergency UK's big launch — we'll let you know as soon as it's live.

Our own carbon

Of course, it's all very well our scrutinising other organisations' climate plans — but what are we doing closer to home?

Most recently, mySociety made a tricky decision around carbon offsetting. Tricky because we know it's not a perfect solution — but it's better than doing nothing while we explore other options.

Want more on climate?

We're adding new features and tools to the Climate Action Plans Explorer all the time. If you'd like to know when there's something new to try out, subscribe to our Climate mailing list.

Sign up for updates on our Climate work


Messages from our network

News from other organisations that you might find of interest:

Action around the Elections Bill

Make Votes Matter and other democracy sector organisations are organising a protest against the Elections Bill on 5 February. Speaking at the protest will be a cross-party selection of speakers. Find more details here.

Do you have a responsibility for climate?

University of Surrey’s Centre for Environment and Sustainability want to know: do you have a responsibility to monitor, report, evaluate or be held to account on the delivery of climate and ecological measures or working towards net zero in your organisation? If so, they'd appreciate your responses to their survey by 11 February.

Did you know that you can subscribe to our special interest newsletters too? Get an extra monthly bulletin on Democracy & Campaigning, Freedom of Information, Better Cities & Councils, or Research. Pick and choose your mySociety newsletters here.

What we're reading

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Image credits Low emission zone sign - David Hawgood (CC by-sa/2.0); diary 2H Media
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