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Thursday, January 13th, 2022


New Revelations in the US + What’s Happening in Israel Today

Steve Kirsch

Totalitarianism Continues Unabated: Both in Plain Sight and in the Shadows

Gary D. Barnett

A Republic of Spies

Andrew P. Napolitano

QANON Dies Hard

Cherie Zaslawsky

Internal Hospital Data Confirm a Huge Increase in Patients With Vaccine Side Effects in 2021

Alex Berenson

No Reassurance for Russia Is Dangerous

Paul Craig Roberts

American Driving in 2021: Reckless and Wreckful

Steve Sailer

The New World Man

Bionic Mosquito

Who Is Ray Epps, the Suspected January 6 ‘Fed Inciter’?

RT News

“Hating” EVs

Eric Peters

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Sircus on Baking Soda

Dr. Mark Sircus

Media Fakes First Omicron Death Story

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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