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Hi John,
Yesterday, President Biden and Vice President Harris called for major changes to the filibuster. Every news network is talking about it. Civil rights leaders are out in full force. Marches are planned. You can't scroll for more than a few minutes without seeing that dreaded word - FILIBUSTER.
That's because the pressure is working! If you believe in LGBTQ rights; if you believe in sexual health and reproductive freedom; if you believe that everyone deserves to have their voice heard in a democracy — then tell your Senator to END THE FILIBUSTER.
Now is a critical time:
This week, pressure is building on the Senate to finally change their old rules and end the filibuster so legislation can pass with a simple majority (you know, like every other democracy in the world).
Already done this action? Great! Thank you! Here's the next step: Could you share the action today? Use the below buttons as shortcuts.
(Note: the movement to end the filibuster and pass voting rights is a national effort happening this month. It is supported by thousands of progressive, civil rights, and reproductive justice organizations like Advocates for Youth. Details are here.)
Thanks for being a part of this history-making effort,
Geoff Corey
Senior Manager of Digital Campaign Strategy
Advocates for Youth
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