This is the first week back from winter break for LAUSD students — at least for those with a negative COVID test. While we hoped we’d be planning early-year gatherings, Omicron had other plans. So, we are focusing on what’s right in front of us, week by week or at times, even day by day.
While this is a difficult time for our community and school partners as they cope with high infection rates and staffing shortages, Fulfillment Fund is still here for our students no matter their situation.
At the end of our first in-person semester, two things stood out to us about our students and programs. It was clear that many students had gaps in their knowledge about high school requirements, college admissions requirements, and opportunities for college and career after high school. Since we hadn't been able to engage high school lower-classmen in person as we have done for decades, we were not surprised. So, we have been helping them to quickly catch up and fill in those gaps to prepare them for the road ahead to college.
We also learned that our new social-emotional program components are indeed working. Our student surveys showed that providing students with a safe space to share concerns has helped them alleviate anxiety and focus on getting ready for higher education and staying on track to graduate.
Deadlines are still looming, so each day we make the most of the opportunity to do all we can to help students bounce back. Circumstances around us change, but we are committed to staying the course. Thank you for helping us keep our commitment to our students and helping them achieve their goals.