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January 12, 2021
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Senate Voting on Federal Takeover of Elections
House and Senate Democrats keep failing at passing their number one priority: a federal overtake of elections. Yet, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wants to put it on the floor next week for a vote.
Schumer has an arsenal of election bills to offer. The House has passed the For the People Act (H.R. 1) and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4). The Senate has introduced a companion bill to H.R. 1 (S. 1) and the Freedom to Vote Act (S.2747) also known as the “Manchin Compromise.” These bills include provisions that censor political speech, gives taxpayer money to candidates you may not support, mandates same-day voter registration and ballot harvesting, and allows criminals and illegal immigrants to vote.
Some Senate Republicans have teamed up with Democrats recently to introduce another bill to make it harder for Congress to reject electoral college vote counts regardless of concerns over fraudulent activity. This isn’t enough to satisfy the Biden administration’s appetite though.
The majority of American people have disagreed with these bills but are being ignored. This is just another ploy by Democrats to secure elections for themselves and pass their socialist agenda. We cannot let that happen.
The American people deserve fair elections! Please call or email your Senators today to ask them to oppose any election reform bill that comes to a vote next week.  
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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