In the coming days, two very important bills to protect the right to vote, will be debated in the United States Senate, and we need your help today to make sure they pass.

Dear Union Family,


In the coming days two very important bills to protect the right to vote will be debated in the United States Senate, and we need your help today to make sure they pass.  



Two years ago, postal workers played a critical role in ensuring the 2020 election was carried out safely and securely via the mailhelping millions of Americans across the country deliver their ballots. This unprecedented operation was a testament to our courage, professionalism, and dedication as postal workers – our country needed us, and we answered the call.  


Sadly, not everyone was happy about our good work. 


Across the country, politicians in more than a dozen states have passed laws to try and suppress the right to vote and eliminate vote by mailall to keep themselves in power.


Let us be blunt, Friend.


These voter suppression laws are a cowardly attack on our democratic rights, and an insult to every single postal worker who labored tirelessly to make sure the 2020 election was conducted safely and securely by mail. 


But, there’s good news. 


These bills have strong support, but right now, a rule in the Senate called the “filibuster” is allowing a minority of Senators to block the legislation, even though a majority support it.


Passing laws should be as easy as getting a simple majority of the votes.


Call your Senators and tell them to put aside the filibuster, and pass these critical voting rights laws.


Politicians shouldn’t get to re-write the rules of elections to keep themselves in power forever, Friend.


Thank you for making this call, and for all that you do.


In Solidarity,  

The American Postal Workers Union 

1300 L Street NW, Washington, DC xxxxxx |