2022 has been anything but business as usual. If you were like our team this month, you had Covid, you took care of a loved one who did, you had kids home from school or other childcare challenges, or you just felt overwhelmed by the latest Omicron surge. Whether you’re reeling from your booster shot or quarantining at home, we get it and we see you. 

This is why, after careful evaluation, we have decided to extend our Open Call deadline to Friday, January 21. 

We hope this extra week will give founders time to polish their applications. If you know someone who should apply to HGL, there is still time to forward them this email!


We welcome applications from all entrepreneurs who are committed to progressive values and outcomes that will help save our democracy, including solving the problems identified in our 2022 Investment Thesis.

Have any questions?

Visit highergroundlabs.com/open-call or email us at [email protected].

Copyright © Higher Ground Labs, 2022, All rights reserved.

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