
Have you heard the news? Biden is refusing to release the ICE report on arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants from 2021!

This report was expected at the end of the year…

Americans can plainly see the massive surges of illegal immigrant caravans and WE ALL KNOW Biden has empowered drug cartels and human traffickers to overrun our borders. Now, Biden is withholding ICE’s report, because it will show the true scale of this crisis!
We deserve to know what is happening at our border, and I’m fighting Leftist bureaucrats to release this report!

If Trump withheld any information regarding our border, the carnival barking media would have had a field day. Biden needs to be held accountable for his actions. Will you show him the consequences?

Our nation is being torn apart, and it’s not going to get better until we stop Biden’s disastrous agenda. I refuse to rest until Americans are given the safety, security, and transparency we deserve! I am counting on you to pitch in and join my fight to stop Biden’s Broken Border!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne