Joe Biden came to Georgia yesterday, calling our state the “Belly of the Beast,” and lied about us… again.
He said our state was a threat to democracy and that our voting laws were unjust. He falsely claimed we denied people access to voting, and he alleged racism.
These blatant lies are destructive, born of either ignorance or a clear desire to deceive, undermining of real democracy, and devastating to the hard-working Georgians who have been adversely affected by phony, politically-motivated boycotts.
Here’s the reality: Georgia learned from the 2020 election – where Stacey Abrams spearheaded efforts to cheat – and passed SB 202, which makes it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Now, the conservative think-tank, Heritage Foundation, ranks our laws #1 for Election Integrity!
We were proud to stand with Governor Kemp and the 132 pro-integrity legislators who supported SB 202. Here are just a few highlights of what this bill – which has nothing inherently to do with (other than learning from) the 2020 election and is fair for and shows respect to all Georgians:
To imply any of these provisions are racist, prevent people from voting, or a threat to democracy is a grave insult to Georgia voters and a disqualifying and irresponsible assertion by any elected official. Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself.
Yet Biden’s visit and remarks underscore that the fight for election integrity is not over. He wants to nationalize elections and dismantle our new, nation-leading law. And – while his plan is unlikely to work given that his event was boycotted by leftist groups, Stacey Abrams herself declined to show, and Sen. Joe Manchin has not given any signal that he’s moving on this issue – we must take this threat seriously.
So what do we do?
We are proud to stand on the frontline for integrity, and we’ll continue to opposed this deceiver who came to our state to, once again, make false allegations for his political gain.
If you’d like to stand with us in this fight, please consider a generous donation of $5, $10, or $25 TODAY. To Protect the Vote, ![]() Cole Muzio President Frontline Policy Council ***Please note Frontline Policy COUNCIL is our 501(c)(3), educational entity. Our sister organization, Frontline Policy ACTION is a 501(c)(4) and is NOT tax deductible. PAID FOR BY FRONTLINE POLICY COUNCIL |