Friends -
Bernie Sanders’ father came to America at 17 years old as a refugee, hoping to escape widespread anti-Semitism and to find a better life. He had no money and knew almost no English. He didn’t have much of an education and no real skills. But he built a life for himself and his family through determination and hard work.
Millions of immigrant families in the United States today are doing the same thing. That is the story of Bernie’s family and that is the story of America.
Today we released our immigration policy plan — and it is the most progressive plan ever released by a presidential candidate.
Not only are we going to reverse ALL of Donald Trump’s harmful immigration policies on day one of Bernie’s presidency, but we will transform immigration into a humane, lawful process that protects families and respects human rights.
We are asking you today if you can lend your name to say that you support Bernie’s immigration plan, because every person who stands up in support will make clear that this is the kind of change needed to truly transform our country.
Donald Trump is a racist, a xenophobe, and a demagogue. He has tried, as all demagogues do, to divide us by demonizing immigrants and blaming them for society’s problems. He has used hateful and disgusting rhetoric to try to dehumanize an entire group of people, and he has used the power of the federal government to mistreat and terrorize immigrants at the border and in our communities.
That ends when Bernie is president. As president, Bernie will:
We must stand up for our values and accept refugees, asylum-seekers, and families who come to the United States in search of the American Dream. This is how America was built and it has made our country strong.
Say you support Bernie’s immigration plan — add your name now.
Thank you for all you do.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie