Why are prices spiking in New England? Why are they burning oil in New York? Isn't the sun shining in Massachusetts? Am I being lied to about the Green New Deal?
Inside Sources (1/11/22) reports: "Energy sector officials have been warning for years about the risks posed to New England’s grid by plunging temperatures, risks exacerbated by anti-energy-infrastructure policies across the region. Now with New England facing its coldest temperatures since the 'polar vortex' of 2019 and wind chills of -45 degrees below zero across the U.S. northern tier states, the grid is under stress once again. 'Well-documented natural gas pipeline constraints, coupled with global supply chain issues related to deliveries of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG), are placing New England’s power system at heightened risk heading into the winter season,' ISO New England Inc, operator of the region’s power grid said in a December 6 statement...Dan Kish of the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Energy Research (IER) says these warnings were not sexy at the time, but people are paying attention now. 'What they pointed to was a growing gap between demand for energy and the supply that people are making available either through pipelines or electrical lines or anything else and because New England is an area of the country that does not have a lot of energy production,' says Kish. 'I would be concerned based upon what the people who oversee the grid have said about it.'"
"The voters’ message must be unambiguous: Stop trying to fundamentally transform America. We never asked for it, we don’t want it, and we never gave you permission."
– Charles Lipson,
University of Chicago